July 6, 2024

NRL Club Manager Drowns

A manager of the high-profile Melbourne Storm National Rugby League club drowned early this morning after jumping off a waterfront peer in Auckland’s downtown area.

Michael Moore, 35, the team manager of the club, died after jumping into the water around 3 a.m. Police were called after members of the public attempted to save the man. Navy divers recovered the man’s body at approximately 4:30 a.m.

Witnesses say Mr Moore was drinking with members of his team at a wharf bar near the America’s Cup village and was in high spirits when he ran in the direction of the pier.

A post-mortem of the man will be carried out today who police say may have hit his head on a submerged pontoon.

Police say they may prosecute the bar the man was drinking at if alcohol played a part in the man’s death.

The Melbourne Warriors were in town Auckland last night to play their first game of the season against the Auckland Warriors.


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