July 6, 2024

Cleveland Browns star defensive end Myles Garrett was fined $25,000 by the NFL for “public criticism of officiating” after he made pointed remarks following last week’s game against Jacksonville, a person familiar with the punishment told The Associated Press.

Garrett was informed of the fine on Saturday, said the person who spoke on condition of anonymity because the league has not made this week’s player fines public.

Angered by the Jags not being penalized for holding him, Garrett called the officiating a travesty following Cleveland’s 31-27 win and said it’s time for the officials to be held to a higher standard.

“Someone has to hold them accountable for the plays or the calls they don’t make,” he said. “And they need to be under the same kind of microscope as we are every single play.”

Garrett’s frustration had been building at what he feels is a lack of penalties being called against offensive linemen while blocking him. He’s been stuck on 13 sacks for three weeks and believes the officials haven’t been treating him fairly.

“It had been something that had been stoked for the last couple weeks, and then other rushers have also been dealing with the same thing,” Garrett said following practice Friday. “I can only speak for myself, but once you’ve got a whole position kind of fed up with how they’re being treated, then you know something’s kind of off.”

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