“We were thrilled to find out earlier today that Tez Walker has been granted immediate eligibility and will be available for the remainder of the 2023 season,” said Brown in a statement. “We’re so happy for Tez. Everything that’s transpired over the last few months has been with the sole purpose of helping and supporting him, and now he’s going to have a chance to live his dream. We want to express our gratitude to the people at UNC who have worked tirelessly to assist Tez. We never gave up. We also want to thank the NCAA for being willing to re-examine Tez’s case and ultimately deciding to grant him his eligibility. This is, and always has been, about the welfare of this young man, and we can’t wait to see him on the field doing what he loves to do.”

While North Carolina is celebrating Walker’s ability to compete with his teammates on Saturday, the NCAA has laid the blame for the delayed decision at the feet of UNC. NCAA president Charlie Baker and University of Georgia president Jere Morehead, who serves as the chair of the Division I Board of Directors, released a joint statement claiming that if UNC had provided this new information weeks ago, “this entire unfortunate episode could have been avoided.”

North Carolina returns to action after the off-week on Saturday, hosting Syracuse.