July 6, 2024

Aston Villa midfielder Jacob Ramsey spoke to BBC Radio 5 Live this week about his return from injury and aspirations.

What has it been like watching from the as a local boy, in and around the city really feeling that excitement?

If we’re talking in terms of me watching the lads from the stand and not playing I’m a bit frustrated personally. I keep getting injured, I had the injury off the back of the Euros in the summer, came back for 10 days and did the same injury again. A bit frustrated watching the lads but also a bit excited seeing what they’re doing, knowing when I do come back we’ll be fighting for top five, in the knockout stages of the Conference League. A bit of both really but it’s always good to see the lads winning whether I’m playing, on the bench, or injured.

Injuries are physical but when you’re out for so long it takes a toll on your mental side as well. You’ve really got to be mentally strong. You’re watching the team do so well and everyone’s talking about the team and players that are in your position. So, you’ve definitely got to be mentally strong. Little things like going to the stadium and the fans are asking how long you going to be out and stuff and that’s a tough question.

When you’re injured that’s the main question – when are you coming back? You probably get asked it 20 times a day, from the players, from the staff, from the fans as well but it’s part of being a footballer and part of being injured. Certainly sometimes it’s triggering but it’s part of the game.

We see one side of Unai Emeryvery methodical and practical, is there a different side to his management. Things that we as fans and media don’t see?

Yes, he’s got two sides. You see it on the pitch in his celebrations and when he’s shouting to the players or talking to the players he’s quite proactive. He’s like that on the training pitch to be fair, he’s always giving out instructions, always on the move taking sessions. But then also we have team meetings and he is calm and relaxed, talking to us about the pressure and what he wants from us in certain games so he’s always got two sides.

What’s your relationship like with Emery?

I think when any manager comes out and says good tings about you whether you have a good relationship or a bad relationship, it makes you feel good. Me and the boss have got a good relationship, we speak day to day, sometimes every two days. He understands how tough it is getting back from two injuries and seeing the team doing so well so when I was injured he was speaking to me and giving me tips on how to recover and things to do in the team meetings, stay around the lads, stay around on a matchday, watch training if you can after rehab. He’s a really good guy, down to earth, treats everyone the same. Obviously when the boss is speaking like that in front of the media and social media, it makes you feel good.

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