September 17, 2024


West Ham defender Aaron Cresswell has stated how he believes academy striker Divin Mubama has a ‘big chance’ to succeed for the club.

In today’s game, youth players struggle to break through as much as they used to, but someone like Declan Rice proves that sometimes the club may not have to look too far to find top talent. West Ham veteran Aaron Cresswell believes that the club may have found their next star to break through from the Academy.

Divin Mubama has been catching the eyes of every Hammers fan, with many hoping he plays a bigger role in the coming season and Cresswell seems to have been ahead of the curve on spotting his potential.

“Divin doesn’t know about this,” Aaron told The Athletic, “but I remember sitting with Craig Dawson on the balcony in Evian [during last season’s preseason tour]. He trained with us for a few days and I said [to Dawson], ‘This boy has a big chance here’.”

“I remember the shooting sessions,” he continued, “and we were doing two-v-twos and three-v-threes. I just kept thinking this boy has a real chance.” That’s high praise from such an experienced player. Cresswell would have seen a lot of players come and go over the past 9 years, so for him to come out on record and say this shows he clearly believes Mubama is something special.

I've Waited A Long Time For This" ❤️ 18-Year-Old Divin Mubama Overjoyed  After First West Ham Goal - YouTube

The left back isn’t the only person at the club who has faith in the 19 year old. David Moyes has been overjoyed with Divin’s performances in preseason, where he’s managed 3 goals in 3 games, and according to the ever reliable exwhuemployee the gaffer is planning on utilising him this season. “The only academy player who has been told they categorically wish to keep at the club is Divin Mubama,” the insider stated. “Which indicates Moyes intends to use him a lot more this season.”

Luckily, there’s no pressure on the Newham boy. He’s a very raw talent and he’s going to take time to adapt to first team football. While there’s no doubt he could reach the very top, no one’s expecting him to rip it up in his first proper season with the senior team. It’s important that Moyes plays him in the right games to build confidence, and so he can find his feet at the top level of English football. The Irons have a top prospect on their hands, they’ve just got to tap into that potential to get the best out of him.


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