July 6, 2024

Matt Rhule reveres Nebraska football more than ‘failed favorite son’ – analyst

It was expected that Scott Frost’s hiring as the football team’s new head coach at Nebraska would be the catalyst for the eventual transformation. He was supposed to be the guy who was so passionate about the program that he would go above and above to help a school that was severely struggling become a contender once more.

And Frost did practically everything incorrectly, for no apparent reason. Even worse, after he was sacked, accusations of indolence were leveled everywhere. It’s understandable that people be perplexed as to why someone who professed to love the program could have performed so poorly.

The Nebraska football team may finally have a head coach who truly respects and comprehends the Huskers’ culture, program, and winning formula, according to Mike Farrell Sports analyst Rock Westfall.

Westfall made a strong case for Scott Frost’s opposition:

Matt Rhule reveres Nebraska football more than 'failed favorite son' -  analyst

“Frost did not build strong relationships with the high school coaches in the state, particularly in Omaha, while he was at Nebraska. A child from Nebraska once vowed never to attend another program outside of the state. But during the Frost era, they did.”

The analyst also presented evidence for why Rhule appears to have a stronger bond with Nebraska football than the man he followed and why he appears to enjoy the program more.

“Rhule discussed topics like the duty and significance of providing the farmers with a team they can be proud of. According to Rhule, farmers in Nebraska who were working the fields while listening to football games in their tractors deserved to celebrate their favorite football team’s victory and celebrate the program’s accomplishments. He gave off the impression of having grown up on a farm in Nebraska. Above all, he had a relationship with the state that Frost never had.”

Matt Rhule reveres Nebraska football more than ‘failed favorite son’

There’s definitely something to be said for the idea that Rhule loves the program better than Frost ever did. His exuberance has allowed him to mostly lock the state down again. There might be a mistake here or there, but the top in-state prospects aren’t going elsewhere if Rhule really targets them.

And there’s Dylan Raiola, of course. The five-star quarterback’s distaste for the Huskers was allegedly largely influenced by Frost’s recruiting style. It appeared as though the former Nebraska football coach only needed to hire Donovan and be friends with Dominic.

Although it required almost a year, Rhule was able to undo the harm. Dylan Raiola now appears to be the 2024 starting pitcher. If Rhule hadn’t seemed to absorb the culture so fully, one wonders where Nebraska football would be this winter, spring, and fall.

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