September 16, 2024

Wait… What… Any of you demanding Kirby step down?

There was an article written for MSN sports called “”Kirby Smart Should Be Fired”: CFB World Rips Georgia’s HC to Shreds as Bulldogs’ “Criminal Culture” Grabs Limelight Yet Again” it was written by Jeevesh Singh. The highlights are as follows to take away clicks to the article…

“Now, the Bulldogs fans are absolutely fuming with the crime that seems to be unchecked within the program. They are all asking for Smart’s release from the team, with one fan saying, “Kirby Smart should be fired at this point” The fact that this is the 25th arrest on campus since January of last year is gravely shocking and says a lot on how seriously the management is condoning this behavior. Additionally, more and more people are joining the movement to make Smart quit his job, with every comment harsher than the previous one.”

“With so much negative spotlight on the team, Kirby Smart is being called out for being a bad leader and for letting loose a frenzy of indiscipline within the program. The coach is under so much fire from the fans that a retirement is being asked for, which is not looking too good for the Bulldogs.”

“The fans want Smart to leave Georgia ASAP During the SEC Media Days that occurred recently, Kirby Smart talked about how the team is trying to solve the issues. He was heard saying, “The incidents that have been happening off the field are not something we condone. It’s very unfortunate, ‘disappointing’ I guess is the best word. I always talk about processing outcomes in wins and losses. We try not to base things on outcomes. In this case, the outcomes are very disappointing. ” Unfortunately for the HC, his comments don’t hold a lot of precedence anymore since the names of Rara Thomas, Smael Mondon and even Bo Hughley continue to make rounds in and outside the police stations. A page that is an avid fan of all things football wrote out a strong-worded statement against what the atmosphere of Bulldogs is getting hazardous. They wrote, “When is the University of Georgia going to hold Kirby Smart accountable? When are parents of recruits see this and hold him accountable? This is becoming a weekly thing, and it is ridiculous.” Next, this person strongly insisted that Smart should leave the program and wrote, “Kirby Smart should resign just disgusting leadership” This fan posed whether Smart will do anything to actually fix these issues rather than make hollow promises. His comment read, “Is Kirby Smart ever going to do something about the amount of players he has getting arrested?” “At this point the NCAA needs to step in”¦What the hell is going on at Georgia? No leadership whatsoever for these young men,” This is what a user wrote while expressing sheer concern over the program’s safeguards for its players. Lastly, this comment put both Kirby Smart and the criminal culture in Georgia within the same sentence and commented, “Kirby has been brewing a winning, but criminal, culture. This is not a good look”

The author here is a 20-25 year old who lives in New Delhi and has been a sportswriter for 11 months. Naturally, I’m sure he has a good grasp of what’s going on in Athens and the broader culture around SEC football.

I’m just blown away that there is so much desperation for articles people will now just full on lie about an entire college programs fan base! Like where is he even getting the quotes from? They’re obviously troll accounts and he is too stupid to realize it.

I have lived in Athens for 23 years … Kirby and the dawgs don’t have a culture problem … it’s is a discipline problem… starting with self discipline which in teenagers and young adults isn’t always the best. Now line the pockets of young athletes with NIL money to buy insane powerful cars that they drive with no fear… to themselves or others not an ideal recipe. Domestic violence is not restricted to athletes so that reporting is strictly looking to taint the program and coaches. Just for fun google… how many players arrested under Coach Mark Richt… Bleacher Report calls for Mark’s head October 2010 Caleb King arrested for speeding brings the total for the year to 11 …. AD McGarity advised CMR to get it under control. Note CMR didn’t have the Portal or NIL to deal with… that’s 14 years ago… just like CKS… failed discipline…. needed to start in the home way before their arrival in Athens….Go Dawgs …

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